This Post is About Sex
Originally Posted on
February 19, 2022
“Can you push beyond the typical surface lovin’ that fades,
Try to meet me in unusual, here the edges are frayed,
Give me honesty, something real,
Cuz, you know you crave how it could feel,
Finding meaning beneath moments fleeting,
Let our darkest parts heal,
So just give me all you’ve got,
Baby, open up your heart,
Let me in, past your skin,
Under pleasure and your pain,
Where your loneliness remains,
Baby give…
Let’s begin,
To Breakthru,
Just give me you,
I want all of you,
Can you face the risk of letting go?
Leave your mind and be still,
When I touch you, let the rush come slow,
Stretch the time and just feel,
We’re alive love here, dancing free,
Making life what we want it to be,
Choose to find the surrender in falling together,
Dare to love me fearlessly,
So just give me all you’ve got,
Baby, open up your heart,
Let me in, past your skin,
Under pleasure and your pain,
Where your loneliness remains,
Baby give…
Let’s begin,
To Breakthru,
Just give me you,
I want all of you,
Give me honesty, something real,
Cuz, I know you crave how it could feel,
To fall in love like you’ve never experienced ever before…
Oh baby, oh,
So just give me all you’ve got,
Baby, open up your heart,
Let me in, past your skin,
This is more than bodies talking,
Our hearts are interlocking; just give,
Baby give…
Let’s begin,
To Breakthru,
Just give me you,
I want all of you.
I’ll just be honest. This song is about sex, yet so much more than that. It’s about sex being a portal to Divine awakening. It’s the healing and transmutation that comes from opening up, being seen in your own vulnerability, while holding the space for your love to open to theirs.
It’s about connecting to the deepest parts of ourselves and each other, as a sacred interweaving, which causes healing from the experience of cataclysmic highs. It’s the rapture of Divine ecstasy taking you to new heights where paradigms collide, and the unhealed aspects of the soul resurrect towards the light to be dissolved inside of it. It’s everything beautiful. It IS life force energy. This energy of sex, when used properly, is Holy. It is pure creativity since, yes, it literally creates life.
After giving birth to Gracie, I discovered a woman named Kim Anami, a holistic sex and relationship coach. The Kim Anami philosophy is that “sexual energy is life-force, creative energy, and we can use it to shape our worlds, strengthen our relationships, and self-actualize. She blends the most avant-garde information from neuroscience, ancient sexual practices like Tantra and Taoism to renegade wellness modalities – to show you how to create gourmet sex in your life.”
As a birthday present to myself this past December, I decided to enroll in one of her courses. This week marks the second week of her course, and to be honest, I already feel a new zest for life. I find that I am filled with possibility, awe, and wonderment at the pure potential of self-empowerment and joy that I haven’t felt in a really long time. It’s like the feeling of happy hope on steroids! Also, I’m pretty amazed how tapping into your own sexual energy can unlock every other block or stuck place in your life, be it creatively, financially, physically, and/or personally. It’s a legit Breakthru.
Back in college, I was on the path to becoming a theologian. After studying many religions, it was clear to me how aligned many religions were in their spiritual teachings, but how misinterpreted they became due to word choice, leadership manipulation, rules, restrictions, and limited social understanding. Especially around the topic of sex and its highest purpose.
I know a lot of shame and conditioning has surrounded sexuality and its expression for many years, which is funny, because it’s literally the very thing that gives us the power to create life. In the Bible, it says we are made in the image of the Creator, which means we are creators ourselves. Artists, if you will. Anyways, I’m so happy to now be learning about all of the gifts of Divine sexual energy. I feel it truly is the power of higher love!
To think that life force resides outside of ourselves is so silly. The truth is that we don’t consciously beat our own heart, reproduce cells, operate our nervous system, or any system for that matter. The wisdom of the body does that. It is life force energy larger than us that keeps us alive. It literally breathes us – that’s a fact, and I believe we can have conscious contact with that loving presence anytime we choose to. This course has opened me up to new self-discovery, enhanced God-awareness, and my relationship with that benevolent presence. My experience is that fear causes a separateness from our inherent power (that God-source), but uniting with and accepting our own selves, our sexual essence – that is one sure way to reconnect with that positive power. (Just my perspective so far!)
I wish I could encourage everyone to personally study whatever doctrine they believe in, rather than just hearing someone’s interpretations of it every Sunday. I wish everyone could trust themselves enough to pray, be still, and listen to the beat of their own heart – the stirrings within their soul. Find out what it is longing to say, create, dream, experience, and express. So, for you, reading this, I encourage you to dare to rediscover yourself in your purest essence. I know you’ll find Holy love there, or whatever word you use for God. Sending you love and light along the way! It’s time for your Breakthru
(If you like the song, it’s available on iTunes, just click the link below!)
I’ll also be playing it live in a writers round at “The Commodore” in Nashville, TN, on March 27th – 6:00pm.
Lastly, I’d like to give a HUGE thanks to Kim Anami, and the wonderful work she does in the world. It’s liberating, healing, and powerful! For anyone interested in checking out her teachings, her website is:
Thanks so much for reading and connecting with me!